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πŸ§₯ Textures broken by shaders Oraxen

Set armor_resolution from 16 to 32.​

type: SHADER # Valid types are SHADER, TRIMS and NONE
disable_leather_repair: true # Makes custom armor not repairable with leather, only with copies of said custom armor
material_replacement: CHAINMAIL # Valid materials are CHAINMAIL, IRON, GOLD, DIAMOND, NETHERITE and LEATHER
auto_assign_settings: true # If true, the trim & item-flag will be automatically assigned to the custom armor piece, unless specified
type: FANCY # Valid types are FANCY and LESS_FANCY
armor_resolution: 32 # 64x32 -> 16, 128x64 -> 32...
animated_armor_framerate: 24
generate_shader_compatible_armor: true
generate_armor_shader_files: true
generate_custom_armor_textures: true

Armor pack 16 but use 32​

  1. Click to open link
  2. Open the folder Oraxen\pack\textures\<pack-name>\armors
  3. Convert file *_armor_layer_1.png and *_armor_layer_2.png
  4. Save the file in its original location